Saturday, January 24, 2004

Arggggggggghhhhhhhhhh that’s what I feel NewsGator doesn’t respect my sites settings…

It takes a subject for a message, however no title. I would think it should convert that to Titles L 

Wow now I’ve also set up an RSS feed(oops ATOM feed, duly corrected by Guruji


I think I’ve now found after a long search the perfect tool NewsGator.

It allows me to check RSS feeds, post to my blog and best of all integrates with outlook. Now isn’t that cool. Still playing with it. This my first test posting from the tool J 

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Open Source .Net

I was chatting with Piyush, an old colleague of mine who's kicked off two open source project initiatives on .Net infact using the new Whidbey tools.
It's good to see the no. of open source projects kick up. One of his projects is a

Site Portal (Phase Alpha)
A ready to go site builder which you can use to build a site of more than 100 pages with minimum effort
Infact the alpha build is online with source code (

Another interesting project which actually kicked me quite a bit is
Forum Alerts (Phase Initiation)
An MSN messenger alert system for users who subscribe to forums & newsgroups.
This is extremely cool as a whole lot of us technology biffs subscribe to various forums. The interesting part is that this idea is going to be built using MSN Alerts SDK. He's currently looking for more people who might want to participate. I think I might contribute to this one. Definitely an interesting idea to pursue :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Articles I've written

I recently wrote a couple of articles for DevX and .Net Developer Journal

thought I'd provide the links out here to them: - Super Charge your forms based apps with Advanced Data Binding - Develop for the SmartPhone using Techniques you already know - Windows Form controls Tips and Tricks

Smart Client

Buzzword or new application development paradigm?

Simplicity is what I believe will drive smart client development adoption.

Smart Clients have very simple rules:

1. Local Processing
2. Communication via Web Services with the backend
3. Online or offline the application should work
4. Client should auto update

The simplicity of the above rules implemented in any application which you develop can have dramatic effects on your client ensuring client delight.
But are there tools which support this paradigm as yet... my bet is that within the next 2 years one is going to see a whole lot of tool support within the Microsoft tool set. Till that becomes reality I'm sure just application of these simple rules will change how software is developed across the globe.