Had an enllightening discussion yesterday for about 2-3 hours with
Sanjay Vyas(Guruji) and
Raj. Both Raj and myself went thru Guruji's explanation of concept Visualization.
For years I've been using some or the other kind of memory system, essentially followed Harry Loryane's books, recently read a book called the Mind's Eye by Ian Robertson, it really opened my eye and then this talk by Guruji opened it wider. It was extremely interesting to observe how he has expanded on the concept to his training of technology concepts. My mind was on fire literally. All three of us were wondering if there exists a software to help facilitate this further. I showed them both
Mind Manager which is a tool I have been using for quite some time. This is surely one of the tools it opens your mind literally, but I figure we need something more to take his idea of concept visualization further. I would actually say it's thinking in moving visuals, like a full fledged movie, with colors action, interaction. Not just static visuals as the word visual portrays. I would highly recommend anyone to go thru this explanation by Guruji himself.
We discussed issues with concept visualization for instance how do you force your mind to follow this in day to day life... well practice is one sure way, but forcing a lazy mind is difficult...
nevertheless this quest on better thinking is forever a pet subject...
If you read this and know more about this idea of thinking in visuals do let me know.
My quest for a better tool to help in this process continues....